Tuesday, April 15, 2008

7th Grade Virus and Bacteria WebQuest

Click here For the WebQuest!'

Please remember that you and your partner will be creating a PowerPoint presentation instead of a wiki page.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 18 Waves Wiki Project

Chapter 18

1. What are light and sound forms of, and how do they move?

2. What do waves transfer? Please give examples.

3. Infer why a boat in the ocean only moves up and down as the waves pass but is not carried to shore by waves.

4. Explain what a periodic wave is and give an example.

5. In the space below, show an example of a wave.

6. define each word and give an example.




7. Compare and contrast a transverse wave and a longitudinal (compressional) wave and give an example of each.

8. Identify at least one way in which scientists categorize waves.

9. What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength? What happens to the wavelength as the frequency increases?

Part II

10. Are sound waves transverse or compressional? And how do they transfer energy?

11. Through what medium are sound waves able to travel? Unable to travel?

12. Imagine you are aboard a space craft somewhere in the galaxy. Would you be able to hear the roaring approach of another ship?

13. What is the period of a sound wave?

14. Identify the relationship between pitch and frequency.

15. What are the two factors that affect the speed of sound? Through which medium does sound travel the fastest?

Monday, March 17, 2008

7th Grade links for Activity Worksheet

7-1, use the following links to help you with the completion of the "museum visit" side of the worksheet. We are obviously not able to visit an actual museum today; however, the sites listed below will act as a virtual class trip. You are also free to explore other websites outside of the ones listed below. If you have questions, carefully re-read the instructions or ask a classmate for assistance. If you still have questions then ask the teacher. I will see you all Wednesday, Good Luck!
Mr. Z

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Discover Life


Zoobooks Virtual Zoo

Classifying Life

The Open Door


If you have completed the worksheets then feel free to explore the following games!

Classification Matching Game

Memory matching game

Classification Bricks

Millionaire Game

8th Grade Webquest Electricity & Magnetism 3/18/08

Click here for web activity.

The answers can be recorded in a word document or on a separate sheet of paper.

Also do not forget that there are two assignments due tomorrow. The sketches and the reading assignment, which is on the board.

Be good.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Electromagnet Webquest (Chapter 22)

Background Information
An electromagnet is a strong temporary magnet made by inserting an iron core into a wire coil and passing an electric current through the wire.

1. Go to: How Stuff Works

Study the content on the page and answer the following questions.

What is the basic idea behind an electromagnet?

What sort of things can you create with electromagnets?


2. Click Here , for the next page and answer the following questions.

What is the fundamental law of all magnets?

Compare and contrast a normal magnet and an electromagnet.


3. Click Here for the next page and answer the following questions.

An electromagnet starts with a _________________ (or some other

source of power) and a wire. What a battery produces is


Explain how an electron flows in an electromagnet.

What is the basis of an electromagnet?


4. Click Here for the next page and answer the following question.

Explain why the compass needle swings away from the north when placed near an electromagnet. What is affecting the compass?

Click Here for the next page and answer the following question.

Hypothesize how you can increase the magnetic field of an electromagnet. Explain why this method works.


5. Go to: Fossweb

Follow the links for electricity and magnetism until you get to the electromagnet game.

Read the instructions then start the game!

Fill in the following blanks with the values that enabled your magnet to lift all 75 shavings.

Wire Gauge___________ Wire Type___________ #of Winds_________

Power Supply: AC or DC #of Volts ___________

On a separate sheet of paper, invent a device that would make life easier and uses at least one electromagnet. Please include a labeled diagram and an explanation of your device.


Just for Fun!

Magnetism Flash Game

Magnetism II

Sunday, March 2, 2008

7th and 8th Grade Science Fair

Due Dates

Group / Project selection - 3/12

Project update (journal with observations, findings, and data) - 3/24

Science fair - 4/8

Science Fair Resources

Elmer's Science Fair Central

All Science Fair Projects

The Homework Spot

PBS - Dragonfly TV

Monday, February 11, 2008

7.1 Mitosis Quiz

1. Visit this interactive site on Mitosis

2. Next visit and read The Cell Cycle and Mitosis

3. View the Mitosis Animation

4. Now take the QUIZ!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008