Thursday, November 29, 2007

Law of the Conservation of Momentum

Click: Momentum!

Experiment with the simulation and in a paragraph of 4-5 sentences explain what you have observed. Paragraph must include the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions as well as the effect mass and velocity have on the collision.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Newton's 3rd Law: Ch. 4-4

1. Click Here, read the page and complete the "check your understanding" questions at the bottom.

Click Here, read the top paragraph and complete the activity at the bottom of the page.

3. Click Here, watch the short video and answer the question at the bottom of the page.

4. Watch the video and answer the discussion questions below it.

  • What is Newton's third law of motion? How did it affect Gene Cernan?
  • What solution helps astronauts work in space now? Why?
  • What is meant by "zero gravity?" By "weightlessness?" Is there really no gravity in space?
  • Sunday, November 18, 2007

    Newton's 2nd Law - Force, Mass, and Acceleration

    Link1. GO TO:

    2. Fill in the blanks:

    If a bowling ball and a soccer ball were both __________ at the same time from the roof of a tall building, which would hit the ground with a __________ force? Common sense tells us that the __________ ball would. We know that _________ accelerates all objects at the same __________, so both balls would hit the ground at the same time. Therefore the _________ in forces would be caused by the different __________ of the balls. Newton stated this relationship in his __________ law, the _______ of an object is equal to its ________ times its ______________. A karate master can exert a tremendous ________ by utilizing years of training, proper technique and focus. Although a human hand and forearm may have a _________ of _________, with proper technique, a karate sensei (master) will be able to use his entire body's __________ in breaking bricks. Combining a possible mass of 70 kg and an ___________ of 50 ______, this master will exert __________ of force, well more force needed to break several bricks. A ___________ bullet and a slow moving ________ both have tremendous force. The force of the bullet can be

    ____________ to its incredible ___________ while the force of the train comes from its _________ _________

    3. Identify 4 other occurrences where Newton's 2nd Law may apply.

    4. GO TO:

    5. Fill in the blanks:

    E = mc2 may be the most famous equation in physics, but Newton's second law ____________ is the most important. The second law ____________ force and acceleration — and incidentally keeps planets in their ____________ around the Sun. Before unleashing the second law, let's make two useful observations. First, it is intuitively clear that a ____________ force produces a ____________ acceleration. For example, two pro wrestlers ____________ on a stalled car will get it going ____________ than just one could. Second, ____________ or mass is somehow involved. Those two wrestlers would need to use more force to push a ____________ than to push a Volkswagen ____________.
    In fact, Newton realized that for a given force F, the ____________ the mass of the ____________, the smaller its acceleration. Thus, ____________ second law can be expressed concisely as follows: ____________.


    Click on this link and follow the instructions at the top: F=MA

    Thursday, November 15, 2007

    7-1 Characteristics of Living Things - Discussion Question

    We have spent the past week learning about the characteristics of living things as they pertain to animals in the wild. What we have not discussed is the fact that humans are also part of the animal kingdom and we have developed certain characteristics that have made us one of the most successful species on earth.

    Identify and explain some of these characteristics. How may these characteristics impact the earth both positively and negatively.

    You may post your thoughts to this question as a response directly on this blog or you may write them down in your notebooks.

    Thursday, November 1, 2007

    Characteristics of Living Things - 7th Grade


    All living things share certain characteristics. In this activity you will investigate how one particular animal displays these characteristics and how these characteristics help that animal to survive in its environment.


    All living things share the following characteristics. Living things can:
    1. Move
    2. Metabolize (including eating, digesting, and excreting)
    3. Grow and develop
    4. Respond to the environment
    5. Reproduce
    6. Adapt to the environment

    The special way that each organism exhibits these characteristics makes it suitable for a specific environment. Organisms can survive only in certain environments because of their particular characteristics.


    Pick an organism that interests you. Research, using the Internet, Nature or Encarta encyclopedia, and other library resources, how that animal shows the 6 characteristics listed above and how these characteristics help this animal to survive in its environment. Present your information in a PowerPoint slide show.


    Answer as many of the following questions as possible while doing your research, and then incorporate them into your report/slide show. (Note: Each of the topics must be included, at least briefly, in your report.) Feel free to include other things under each topic that may not be mentioned.

    1. Move – How fast does this organism move? Does it tend to move for short periods of time or long periods of time? When is this organism the most active? Does this organism migrate?
    2. Metabolize – What does this organism eat? How much does this organism need to eat? How often does this organism eat? How does this organism’s digestion work? How does this organism excrete waste?

    3. Grow and develop – How long does it take this organism to reach maturity? How long does this organism usually live? Who takes care of the offspring? How do the offspring learn? Does this organism undergo any metamorphosis?

    4. Respond to the environment – What does this organism do when faced with danger? Does this organism have a territory? How is this territory marked and protected? How does this organism protect its young? How does this organism get along with others of its kind?

    5. Reproduce – How long does it take this organism to reproduce? How many offspring are born at once? What kind of reproduction does this organism use?

    6. Adaptations – How do the characteristics that this organism displays help it to adapt and survive in its environment? Does this organism have special features to help it survive?

    7. Extinction – What things could happen to this organism to cause its extinction? Does this organism have special needs that may not be met in the future? Could this organism be moved to another location to help it from becoming extinct? What things would need to be considered if this organism were moved to a zoo or other artificial environment? What precautions should humans take to ensure the survival of this organism?





